9. Data and Code Availability

Instructions, scripts, and demographics files necessary to reproduce the results in this study are available at https://brainsuite.github.io/bstrPaper. All data used in this study are open-access and are available from the OASIS database (https://sites.wustl.edu/oasisbrains/home/oasis-3) and the NKI Rockland NITRC site (https://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/pro/nki.html).

The easiest way to perform participant-level processing on the Rockland and OASIS-3 datasets to prepare them for analysis with bstr is to use the open-source BrainSuite BIDS App described in the Kim et al. 2024 paper. The BrainSuite BIDS App makes the BrainSuite workflows available through Apptainer or Docker containers.

We have also released the precomputed participant-level outputs for the Rockland dataset and an Rmd notebook that can reproduce the bstr diffusion-based analysis results. Details can be found at https://brainsuite.github.io/bstrPaper

We provide support for bstr through emails to support@brainsuite.org and through our forums on the BrainSuite website. The source code for bstr is released under the GNU General Public License v2.0 only (GPL-2.0-only) license and is available from our GitHub repository https://github.com/BrainSuite/bstr.