5. Workflow

Running bstr is as easy as following the three steps.

5.1. Step 1

Process T1w and/or DWI images using BrainSuite.

5.2. Step 2

  • Perform QC

  • Organize subject directories either conforming to the BIDS format or a hierarchical structure — Subject direcotry containing thickness maps, ROI statistics, volumetric Jacobian determinants etc.

  • If you ran BrainSuite, your directory structure should already be automatically organized

  • Create a demographics csv or a tsv file.

5.3. Step 3

In RStudio or on the R terminal, type bstr commands

bstr_data <- load_bstr_data(...)
bstr_model <- bstr_anova(bstr_data,...)
``bstr`` workflow

bstr workflow