4. Data Requirements for bstr

The bstr package expects that the user has already executed the BrainSuite Image Processing sequence.

A typical processing sequence takes a T1w or optionally a DWI subject image as an input and produces subject specific outputs comprising surface-based cortical thickness maps, volumetric Jacobian (determinant) maps, and regions of interest (ROI) measures of thickness, volume, and surface area in the atlas space of USCBrainAtlas.

BrainSuite workflow T1w and DWI images

BrainSuite workflow T1w and DWI images

For a detailed description of data produced by BrainSuite, also look at the BrainSuite BIDS App page. Check this link

This will create a directory structure as shown below.

Data directory structure after execution of BrainSuite workflow

Data directory structure after execution of BrainSuite workflow

Make sure each subject directory contains the *svreg.log file. bstr will directly infer the atlas used for registration from the contents of this file.