All functions |
An S4 class for representing colormaps |
S4 class for storing data for statistical analysis |
S4 class for representing the statistical model |
S4 class for saving results of statistical analysis |
R6 super class for Rmd output functionality |
R6 derived class for Rmd ROI output functionality |
R6 derived class for Rmd surface output functionality |
A vectorized version of analysis of variance (ANOVA). |
Generate the BIDS designated diffusion surface file |
Generate the designated BIDS compatible (T1w) tensor-based morphometry file |
Mapping of analysis_type to readable string |
List of atlas files used in BrainSuite |
List of suffixes for atlas files used in BrainSuite |
List of binaries used in BrainSuite analysis |
Generate the designated diffusion surface file |
List of file formats used in BrainSuite |
Mapping of model_type to readable string |
List of statistical and other overlay types used in BrainSuite |
Mapping of stat overlays to label strings |
Generate the designated cortical surface file |
Generate the designated tensor-based morphometry file |
bstr: BrainSuite Statistics toolbox |
Perform analysis of variance (ANOVA) for brain imaging data. |
Test for Correlation between a variable |
Linear regression for brain imaging data. |
Linear mixed-effects model for brain imaging data. |
Load ROI data from subjects (BIDS compatible) |
Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons testing |
This function performs the ANOVA analysis for ROIs |
This function performs the ANOVA Linear Mixed Effects analysis for ROIs |
T-test for for brain imaging phenotypes |
Check if file exists |
Check that subject directory and demographics files exist |
Check that modelspec.ini file is valid |
Check if multiple files exists all at once |
Check and return the maskfile and the atlas file |
Generates the components of a colorbar for an individual voxelcoordinate and overlay |
Convert a 3D coordinate from an image to a linear vector index Equivalent to sub2ind from MATLAB(R) Does not perform error checking for bounds |
Package diffusion data for reproducible statistical analysis. |
Package ROI data for reproducible statistical analysis. |
Package cortical surface data for reproducible statistical analysis. |
Package tensor-based morphometry data for reproducible statistical analysis. |
Vectorized correlation between a variable and brain imaging data. |
Delete and recreate directory |
Copy files from the inputted source to the inputted destination |
Read the BrainSuite atlas identifier from the svreg log file. |
Read the BrainSuite atlas path from the svreg log file. |
Retrieve BrainSuite installation path |
Gets the BraisSuite svreg.log file's filepath |
Get the svreg log file for each subject |
Retrieve BrainSuite installation path from bstr.ini |
Read the BrainSuite atlas prefix from the atlas |
Stops analysis if desired type of analysis is not a valid analysis type |
Retrieve bstr.ini path in the package |
Get a color palette (Hex color code list) for a colormap |
Get the diffusion custom atlas and mask |
Check that cortical surface atlas exists |
Get the custom tensor based morphometry atlas and mask |
Get the BrainSuite tensor based morphometry atlas |
Get the diffusion atlas and mask |
Returns a list of the diffusion files for all subjects |
Get the BrainSuite tensor based morphometry mask |
Retrieve label description path in the package |
Get log pvalue colormap |
Get log pvalue colors, generate lut, and calculate min/max values |
Returns the filename for the designated image |
Returns a list of all ROI files for all subjects |
Get the ROI name from the ROI label |
Get the ROI modelspec.ini file |
Get the ROI tag from the ROI label |
Get the desired cortical surface atlas |
Get the cortical surface modelspec.ini file |
Returns a list of the cortical surface files for all subjects |
Get the BrainSuite tensor based morphometry atlas |
Get the tensor based morphometry atlas and mask |
Get the tensor-based morphometry modelspec.ini file |
Returns a list of the tensor-based files for all subjects |
Get the BrainSuite tensor based morphometry mask |
Get tvalue colors, generate lut, and calculate min/max values |
Get voxel coordinates of all significant clusters (up to number of clusters) |
Convert a linear array index to a 3D coordinate in an image Equivalent to ind2sub from MATLAB(R) Does not perform error checking for bounds |
Check if BrainSuite is installed. |
Check if a given BrainSuite path is valid |
Vectorized linear regression for brain imaging phenotypes. |
Vectorized linear mixed-effects regression for brain imaging phenotypes. |
Load data for statistical analysis. |
Load data for statistical analysis from a filelist |
A generic function to load data for statistical analysis. |
Load diffusion data for statistical analysis. |
Load ROI data for statistical analysis. |
Load cortical surface data for statistical analysis. |
Load cortical surface data for statistical analysis. |
Load tensor-based morphometry data for statistical analysis. |
Load TBM data from file list for statistical analysis. |
log10 transform |
Package data for reproducible statistical analysis. |
Returns an error if necessary elements are missing in the model |
Returns a list denoting which elements are present in the model |
Reads the demographics from an inputted csv file |
#' Read BrainSuite label description file #' @export read_label_desc_xml2 <- function() label_desc_filename <- system.file("extdata", "brainsuite_labeldescriptions_14May2014.xml", package = 'bstr') x1 <- xml2::read_xml(label_desc_filename) labels <-xml2::xml_find_all(x1, './/label') return (data.frame(roiid = xml2::xml_attr(labels, 'id'), roiname = xml2::xml_attr(labels, 'fullname'))) Read BrainSuite label description file |
Read modelspec.ini file |
Reads the BrainSuite ROI data file saved for each subject and returns the filenames |
Read ROI stats file |
Read dfs file |
Read dfs file attributes only |
List ofROI types |
Saves and writes the lut for BrainSuite use |
Save the color LUT and ini colormap images |
Save the statistical analysis output |
Save the nifti image to the output file |
Save the surface output to the given ouput directory |
Save the measure to the output directory |
Creates the display of a colorbar for an individual voxelcoordinate and overlay |
Saves the colormap values for min and max to an ini file |
Generic save function for |
Save the volume statistics |
Set BrainSuite installation path in bstr.ini |
Setup script for bstr |
This function calculates the sign of t values. Differently from the sign() function, sign_tvalues(0) = 1 |
Vectorized t-test for for brain imaging phenotypes |
Write dfs file |