SVReg: Analyzing Output with MATLAB
It is possible to analyze the output files of SVReg using MATLAB.
Reading cortical thickness information:
Vertex-wise cortical thickness calculations (in mm) are stored in the attributes field of the mid.cortex.reg.dfs files produced by SVReg. To access this information, use the MATLAB function readdfs.m
(available here).
- Vertex-wise cortical thickness of subject fileprefix‘s hemi hemisphere
thickness=surface.attributes; - Vertex-wise cortical thickness of subject fileprefix‘s hemi mapped to the atlas brain
surface = readdfs(‘’);
mapped_thickness = surface.attributes;
Using the thickness mapped to the atlas brain allows for comparison between subjects and/or scans.
Note that readdfs.m
gives you access to the fields described in the DFS format page, in particular the label values. Thus, if you want to only look at a particular ROI, you can look up the numerical index ID in the brainsuite_labeldescription.xml file (located in the subject’s directory after running SVReg), find the index of the vertices with that label, and then look at only their thicknesses.
roi = find(surface.labels == label_id);
mapped_thickness = surface.attributes(roi);
Reading volume files:
The volume files used and generated by SVReg are stored in zipped NIfTI format. They can be read into MATLAB by unzipping and using the tools found at (mainly, load_nii.m
). For instance, to load the warped atlas file, you would use
nii_volume = load_nii(‘fileprefix.svreg.nii’);
Note that the last command deletes the unzipped NIFTI image and can be omitted if you wish to keep it. load_nii.m
generates a MATLAB structure containing information about the file and the image itself (stored in the variable nii_volume.img
in the above example).