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2017 BrainSuite Training Workshop in Vancouver

Saturday, 24 June 2017 – 9am – 4:30pm

Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel – Crystal Pavilion C

The BrainSuite development team, led by David Shattuck at UCLA and Richard Leahy at USC, is pleased to present a BrainSuite training workshop in Vancouver as a satellite meeting of the 2017 OHBM conference. Our workshop will take place the day before the OHBM conference begins.

The goal of this training workshop is to introduce new users to the software and to provide more in-depth training in its use to those who may already have some experience with BrainSuite. We will provide overviews of the different stages of processing and will have several experienced users on-hand to assist you in learning to use the software.

Graduate students, post-docs, faculty, research staff, and others interested in learning more about using BrainSuite in their research are all welcome to attend.


The workshop will be held at Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel in Crystal Pavilion C. The Pan Pacific is located next to the Convention Centre and is the host hotel for OHBM.

Pan Pacific Vancouver
Canada Place
999 Canada Pl #300
Vancouver, BC V6C 3B5


Registration is $60 (in US Dollars payable by credit card) for all participants.Course materials (software, tutorial data, and PDFs of the presentations) will be provided via our website and also available at the workshop via flash drives. You may register and pay on our online registration page.

Registration includes a light breakfast and coffee breaks. Lunch is not provided.


To participate you will need to bring a laptop (Mac, PC, or Linux) with a minimum of 4GB of memory. Mac users should have OS X 10.8 or later.


9am-10:00am Setup & Welcome
Our team will be available if you need help to install BrainSuite on your laptop.
Coffee and light breakfast will be available during this time.
10:00am-10:15am BrainSuite overviewRichard Leahy, USC
10:15am-11:00am BrainSuite GUI: surface extraction and visualizationDavid Shattuck, UCLA
Cortical surface extraction, interactive refinement and parameter selection
Visualization of volume and surface data
11:00am-noon Atlases, surface and volume labelingSoyoung Choi, USC
The BCI-DNI atlas and creating your own atlases
Running SVReg – surface and volume labeling
Output files and their uses
noon-1:00pm Lunch break & individual exploration of test data with BrainSuite
1:00pm-2:00pm Processing diffusion dataDivya Varadarajan, USC
Alignment and distortion-correction of diffusion images with BDP
Computing tensors and ODFs with BDP
Generation and visualization of fiber tracks in BrainSuite
ROI-based connectivity analysis with BrainSuite using standard and custom atlases
2:00pm-2:30pm Hands on exploration of diffusion data
2:30pm-3:30pm Group statistical analysis with BSSShantanu Joshi, UCLA
Group analysis with available statistical models including linear regression, ANOVA and correlations, and their uses
Sample data and exercises: surface-based morphometry, ROI-based stats, tensor-based morphometry
3:30pm-4:00pm Hands on exploration of statistical analysis package
4:00pm-4:20pm Batch Processing & Interoperability – David Shattuck, UCLA
Command line and batch processing with BrainSuite
BrainSuite in Nipype
Browser-based quality assurance
4.20pm-4.30pm Workshop wrap-up